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Risks You Shouldn't Take If You Want to Avoid an Auto Accident

Mar 06, 2023

Auto accidents can be life-altering events, and the last thing anyone wants is to be involved in a crash. Taking unnecessary risks on the road can increase your chances of getting into an accident. According to Bankrate, collision auto insurance claims commonly average 5.9 claims filed per 100 years of insured coverage. It would be best to avoid having to file one. We've put together reasons why you shouldn't take unnecessary risks, what those risks are, and what you can do to avoid them to keep you and other drivers safe.

Distracted Driving

One of the biggest risks you can take on the road is distracted driving. This can include texting and driving, eating while behind the wheel, and fiddling with the sound system. If you spend a lot of time on the road, you may be tempted by any or all these distractions. The bottom line is that anything that takes your attention away from the road is a recipe for disaster. While some injuries may be minor cuts and bruises, auto accidents can cause serious injuries such as broken limbs. If you want to avoid an auto accident, put your phone away, finish your meal before you hit the road, and keep your focus on the road ahead.

If you're a parent, there are even more distractions. Children, especially younger ones, do not yet understand the risks of distracted driving and may try to get your attention while navigating a busy intersection or highway. If they're with you during an accident, they may be physically injured, and if you're also hurt then you may not be able to help them. An accident may also lead to emotional trauma. Your children may have anxiety and may even be too scared to ride in the car after an accident. To avoid distractions from your children, give them something to hold their attention while you focus on safe driving.


Another risk that many people take on the road is speeding. Whether it's because they're in a hurry or because they just enjoy the thrill of going fast, speeding is a major contributor to auto accidents. The faster your vehicle is going, the less time you have to react to other drivers, road conditions, and unexpected events. This increases your chances of getting into an accident, and it also makes the accidents you do get into more severe.

You'll also save yourself the hassle of getting pulled over by the police. While a police officer may give you leniency for a minor infraction, such as a broken turn signal, speeding is taken more seriously and the punishment reflects that. If it's your first offense, you may walk away with just a fine, but repeat occurrences will lead to bigger fines, and you may even lose your license.

If you want to avoid an auto accident, it may help to use your cruise control. Some modern cars even adjust the cruise control speed to match the cars in front of you. Also, be sure to slow down and follow the posted speed limit. By following these tips, you can help make sure that you're driving at a safe and legal speed.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is another risk that you should never take. Not only is it illegal, but it also impairs your judgment, reaction time, and overall ability to drive. While some people may say it's acceptable to drive if you only drink a certain amount, take breaks, drink water, or consume caffeine to wake yourself up, the risk simply isn't worth it. You should only drive when you are completely sober.

Like speeding, drunk driving is a serious crime, and there are financial and legal consequences. Depending on where you live, you may need to even pay for a class to show that you've learned your lesson and are a trustworthy driver. You'll also need to spend more money on cabs or other means of transportation if you don't have a car. If you damaged another vehicle or caused injuries, you'll be held financially responsible.

If you've been drinking, find another way home. If you're out with friends, make sure there is a designated driver willing to stay sober. If you're alone, pay for a cab or use public transportation. If you're at a friend's house you can even stay overnight and drive home in the morning. With so many options, there's no excuse for getting behind the wheel while under the influence.

Not Wearing a Seat Belt

Wearing a seat belt may seem like a no-brainer, but surprisingly, many people still don't wear them. Whether it's because they forget or because they don't think it's necessary, not wearing a seat belt is a risk that you should never take. Seat belts are one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect yourself in the event of an accident. They keep you in your seat and prevent you from being thrown from the vehicle, which can greatly reduce your chances of serious injury or death.

If you're in an accident while not wearing a seat belt, expect a big hospitable bill. Without the seat belt to hold you in place, you're much more likely to move around or hit your head in an accident. If your insurance company knows that you weren't careful, your premiums may also go up.

So, if you want to avoid an auto accident, make sure to wear your seat belt every time you get in the car. Make it a habit so you won't be caught without it. If you have any passengers, make sure they're wearing their seat belts as well, and don't start driving until everyone is buckled in. After all, it's a small effort that can make a big difference.

Not Maintaining Your Vehicle

If you fail to maintain your vehicle, that's another risk that you shouldn't take. Whether it's neglecting to change the oil, not replacing worn brakes, or failing to fix a problem with the engine, neglecting your vehicle can put you at risk for an auto accident. Be sure to check your tires for wear and low tire pressure. Add air and replace them as needed. Also, check the fluid levels. It's better to take your car to a trusted mechanic for regular inspections as they may catch something you didn't notice.

Don't forget to keep your vehicle clean. Having clean headlights and tail lights can improve your visibility and potentially help you avoid a crash. All in all, a well-maintained vehicle is more reliable and less likely to break down unexpectedly, which can reduce your chances of getting into an accident. So, make sure to keep up with regular maintenance and get any damage to your vehicle fixed at your local auto collision center as soon as possible.

Preventing an accident can keep you safe, help you save money, and help you avoid legal trouble. Unfortunately, not every accident can be avoided, so it's good to know that a reputable auto collision center can help if they do occur. They can assess the damage and get your vehicle back on the road. Do you have more questions about working with an auto collision center? Call City Side Auto Body today for more information and to get started with our services.

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